A story about Darlene for those interested enough, and brave enough, to read. This is a small collection of short stories about events which helped shape who I am. Be careful, you may learn something about me, or perhaps youself, that maybe you didn't want to know.

The Story of Darla Silvereye

Some days are hard to bare. There are some days when you think, is it worth it any more, do I really want to do this any more, should there be a tomorrow? Everyone has problems in life, for some those problems are worse then for others. For some they seem even worse then they really are. No one can tell you how bad your problems are, or how they are not really bad, only you know how bad your problems are.

Sometimes you feel so alone in your pain, you just want to cry yourself into death. What causes such sadness, how does it get into you, how does it just tear out your insides and leave nothing but emptiness? How do you make it just one more day? How will you solve it? Will you dive into the depths of drinking? Bury yourself in a mountain of eating? Swim into the oblivion of drugs? Solutions that let you forget your problem for a few days, or a few minutes? Or the ultimate solution, the permanent solution, the solution from which there is no return? I was very close to that solution. For years Death was my close Friend, and frequently I came close to calling upon my Friend to visit me for the permanent solution.

This is my story on what I thought of as my problems, and how I survived to become, against what I believed was ALL odds, a young adult. A bit about how I suffered, some of what I thought, and a bit about why I'm still alive, and how it almost didn't happen. It's a story I don't want anyone to know, but which I could not keep in. I had to let it out. As with most of my stories, it was bursting out from deep inside me and I had to write it down. I'm not sure I should share any of this, but I need to tell it to someone, so, not quite anonymously, as Darla Silvereye, here is my story. I hope it doesn't offend, scare, or hurt anyone who is brave enough to read.

Table of Contents

Darla's Name


Dad and Death

Mom gets Cs


Uncle Bill

911 and me

The Girl Who Lived


About me and Boys

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